Our commitment to the environment and society Green technology
is just the start.

We’re convinced that, as a company, we have a responsibility towards the environment and society. So our environmental policy stands at the forefront of everything we do. We don’t just ensure sustainable work processes, but get actively involved in a diverse range of social and environmental projects, too. Because we believe that everyone can make a difference.

Our environmental policy

Green IT Solution GmbH stands for responsibility, safety and sustainability. We believe that, in today’s throwaway society, reusing products and resources is an initial big step towards a better environment. Since founding our company, we’ve striven to unite ecological and commercial interests and to make environmental protection an essential core feature of our company’s philosophy.

With the EMAS validation, we want to make this mentality transparent for our customers and partners. With the validation, we have committed ourselves not only to making our environmental performance public, but also to continuously improving it. In our environmental statement you will find all relevant key figures on environmental performance and our sustainability goals.

Environmental statement (german)

We support
these projects

Sponsoring a bee colony

Bees are an important component of nearly all ecosystems on our planet. They are responsible for pollinating many plants, thus ensuring the abundance of the food chain. By sponsoring bees with NearBees, we are helping to protect our native species.

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Bogland sponsorship

Bogland has an important part to play in protecting the environment, as it is able to store large quantities of CO₂. Unfortunately, due to drainage, peat extraction and other uses, 95 % of bogs in Germany are, however, no longer ecologically intact. To help rewild Germany’s bogland, we are supporting the Greensurance Stiftung as a ‘MoorPate’ sponsor.

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Laptop donation to the Neue Chance e.V.

The aim of the Digitales Zuhause (Digital Home) project is to provide homeless people with access to computers and the internet. Computer and internet access is essential for writing job applications or to search for accommodation. We’ve already been able to support several people with laptop donations.

Neue Chance e.V. Neue Chance
Get involved


By donating to ShareTheMeal, we help finance meals for children and families in crisis-hit regions. As one of our customers, you can make a contribution too. We’d be happy to issue you with a certificate for this.

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Food donations

In Germany, many people in need are helped by organisations such as the Tafel food banks. Every year our team collects food donations to support the Münchner Tafel in Munich.

Sponsored run for children

Every year, our CSR team organises a sporting event to promote good causes – in addition to employee health and motivation. Last year we donated the money we raise from our run to the Initiative krebskranke Kinder München e.V.


Building a Little Home

A ‘Little Home’ is a mobile home provided to homeless people. This provides a safe place to stay and aims to support them in their reintegration into society. In October 2021, with the help of Little Home e.V., we built Little Home number 191.

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Johanniter Christmas truckers

Every year, with their Christmas trucks, the Johanniter-Unfall-Hilfe e.V. distribute presents to disadvantaged families, children in schools and kindergartens, as well as to people with disabilities. In December 2021, we registered our office as a collection point and donated a few packages ourselves.

Clean-up day

Small items of rubbish represent a particular challenge for the waste disposal industry, as they can often not be collected completely. We want to change this – at least a bit. In January 2022, we set out as a team to collect rubbish from along the River Isar ourselves.

Clean Up
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Planting trees

In March 2022, we planted around 200 trees with TreePlantingProjects for a new mixed woodland. Through this and other planned tree planting activities, we aim to promote a healthy climate and biodiversity here in Germany.

Get involved

You can support the highlighted projects alongside us. You decide whether you want to get actively involved or if you wish to leave the implementation to us. We’re also happy to supply you with suitable materials for your company-internal and external communications.

Want to find out more? Then we look forward to hearing from you!

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