Ich möchte Hardware Verkaufen
Wieder ist dem Klima lieber
Sell your old hardware to help save resources and reduce the amount of new equipment being manufactured – for the sake of the environment and your wallet.
The security of your data is our top priority.
Our certified data deletion is completely audit-proof and transparent.
We’ll evaluate your hardware for you – in a way
which is transparent and fair. Our process is fully
documented and you can view it at any time.
Refurbishing ermöglicht eine längere
Nutzungsdauer der Hardware. Das spart
Ressourcen, CO2 und bares Geld.
Das kaufen wir anHardware von gestern.
Refurbished für morgen.
Wir kaufen die gesamte Bandbreite von Firmen-IT an – vom Smartphone bis zum Server. Gerne beraten wir Sie und erstellen Ihnen ein unverbindliches Angebot. Lassen Sie uns Ihrer gebrauchten Hardware ein neues Leben schenken!
So einfach ist der IT-AnkaufGrünes tun und
Geld verdienen.
IT-Remarketing:umweltfreundlich und
As well as requiring long transportation routes, manufacturing new electronic equipment uses up a lot of energy, resources and water – especially due to the mining and processing of metals. At the same time, our throwaway society generates enormous quantities of electronic waste, which is often not recycled and, instead, becomes an environmental problem in less developed countries.
IT remarketing allows used hardware to be kept in service for longer, avoiding premature disposal and the manufacture of new equipment. This enables us all to conserve resources and reduce emissions.